With YTCLive

Track and follow YTC evolution in real-time.

Since March 1, 2020, YTC is the official utility token for registered members of the Cooperative, being partially implemented in each of the cooperative processes in order to enhance the business of all its members.

0.559544 USD 0,017 % Present value
YTC Holders
Last Burning
6.712,7800 YTC
Last 3 months statistics

Transactions 12.873
Volume 13.338.261,0422 YTC
(average per Month)
(per transaction)
1.036,1424 YTC

Top 15 by Country

Country Transactions Volume
Country Brazil - Brasil Transactions 1.411 Volume 1.055.107,1392 YTC
Country Spain - España Transactions 1.030 Volume 465.838,8300 YTC
Country Colombia Transactions 994 Volume 642.815,3141 YTC
Country Argentina Transactions 893 Volume 895.806,7834 YTC
Country Panama - Panamá Transactions 808 Volume 1.017.203,2800 YTC
Country Ecuador Transactions 755 Volume 445.394,1214 YTC
Country Venezuela Transactions 709 Volume 32.198,7037 YTC
Country Portugal Transactions 655 Volume 1.485.321,4417 YTC
Country Mexico - México Transactions 584 Volume 234.004,4512 YTC
Country Peru - Perú Transactions 551 Volume 445.310,2000 YTC
Country Paraguay Transactions 451 Volume 226.639,3529 YTC
Country Bolivia Transactions 400 Volume 224.492,8622 YTC
Country Puerto Rico Transactions 354 Volume 260.467,8756 YTC
Country Thailand - ไทย Transactions 308 Volume 22.138,7101 YTC
Country Chile Transactions 277 Volume 28.292,0400 YTC
Last Transactions

date Hash YTC Wallet Movement
date 13/03/2025 Hash f6bffb... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 1,8900 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash d84db9... YTC Wallet 1470091 Movement 63,0000 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash d19d62... YTC Wallet 57154 Movement 64,8900 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash e0a2f4... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 2,7000 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 488b1f... YTC Wallet 859987 Movement 90,0000 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 569841... YTC Wallet 1017571 Movement 92,7000 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 60fb5a... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 3,7200 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 960b01... YTC Wallet 1129404 Movement 124,0000 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 070ff5... YTC Wallet 1021581 Movement 127,7200 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 68565e... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 6,0000 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 097b8c... YTC Wallet 911664 Movement 200,0000 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 0a878d... YTC Wallet 1470091 Movement 206,0000 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 4da4bb... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 3,6300 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 59cbea... YTC Wallet 1021581 Movement 121,0000 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 0a78fe... YTC Wallet 5195 Movement 124,6300 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 99f775... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 0,7800 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 78a10d... YTC Wallet 1016174 Movement 26,0000 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 6594f5... YTC Wallet 1585432 Movement 26,7800 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash 916eb2... YTC Wallet Burning Account Movement 3,7200 YTC
date 13/03/2025 Hash b9a487... YTC Wallet 1016173 Movement 124,0000 YTC